How Comedian's Puerto Rico-Garbage Joke EXPOSED Deranged Democrats

The mainstream media melted down after comedian Tony Hinchcliffe of “Kill Tony” told a joke about Puerto Rico. The media used it as evidence that Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally was about “hate”. But was this joke actually racist? Or was Hinchcliffe just doing his job as a roast comedian? Glenn and Stu review the joke, which even left-leaning comedian Jon Stewart admitted was funny, and make the case that it’s the Left that should be worried: “Whenever they try to take away your fun, [they] lose.”

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By admin

Well I'm 64 years old I have a day job managing woodlots all over northern Michigan. I love working with landowners to cater with their goals and objectives on their property. I work my online business after my day job and enjoy surfing and corresponding with fellow marketers. As always can't wait for summer to ride my Harley and do some fishing.

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